You may encode your plural strings as JSON. If encoded in JSON, your string must start and end with curly braces. Moreover, your JSON encoded plural string should also include one or more plural forms.


numberOfItems,{"one":"%d item found.", "other":"%d items found."}

In the comma separated file above, the value of the non-plural key "hello" is simply `Hello`. Notice how the value of the plural key numberOfItems is encoded in JSON. Encoded JSON keys may be one of the following: zero, one, two, few, many, other.

If you encode your plurals in JSON, you can enter your placeholders in either printf or eclypse placeholder formats.

1. Printf Placeholder:

{"one":"%d item found.", "other":"%d items found."}

2. Eclypse Placeholder:

{"one":"[%d] item found.", "other":"[%d] items found."}

See Also:

Printf Placeholder

Eclypse Placeholder