In order to use eclypse's API, you first need to create an access token (a.k.a. private api key). Only owners and administrators may create, view or remove an access token. Select a project where you are an owner or administrator then select Api Keys. 

Note: If you don't see the Api Keys option in your screen, you are not an owner or administrator of a project.

In the API Key management screen, click on Create New Api Key or "+" button.

1. Provide a name to this access token - that will help you remember the purpose of this key.

2. Select the appropriate scope.

3. Save to generate an access token. Please note that once an access token is generated it cannot be modified.

Once the access token is created, you will have only one chance to save it for your records. Here is an example:


* Save the private key in a secure place and never in a public repository. 

* Anyone who has access to this key/token, also can access your data.

* If you lose the key, you MUST revoke it and generate another one. eclypse has no way of recovering this key, if lost.

* You use the access token to integrate with eclypse and automate your translation management workflows.

Active Access Tokens

Once you create your first access token, you will see its name, prefix and its status. Name and prefix of a token is only provided for you to locate this key conveniently. eclypse does not store access tokens only its meta-data. 

See Also

How to use access tokens

How to revoke access tokens