eclypse supports importing and exporting String Catalog files to and from XCode. String catalog is Apple's new localizable format and was announced during WWDC23. 

Sample String Catalog File

  "sourceLanguage": "en",
  "strings": {
    "sign_up_explanation": {
      "extractionState": "migrated",
      "localizations": {
        "en_US": {
          "stringUnit": {
            "state": "translated",
            "value": "You have successfully signed up."
        "es_ES": {
          "stringUnit": {
            "state": "translated",
            "value": "Se ha inscrito correctamente."
  "version": "1.0"

File Specifications

File SerializationJSONFile needs to be a valid JSON file. Fragmented files are not allowed.
File EncodingUTF-8, UTF-16 or UTF-32JSON file can be encoded with any UTF standard. However, UTF8 is preferred.
Plural HandlingString Catalog stylePlural phrases are included in the same string catalog file as a translation variation. This is a  different behavior from the old Localizable.strings files where plurals were included in a separate file. See example below.
Placeholder PatterniOS styleStrings files can contain Apple's format specifiers which follow IEEE printf specifications. Learn more

String Catalog Plurals

  "sourceLanguage" : "en",
  "strings" : {
    "sign_up_explanation": {...},
    "number_of_days" : {
      "extractionState" : "migrated",
      "localizations" : {
        "en" : {
          "variations" : {
            "plural" : {
              "one" : {
                "stringUnit" : {
                  "state" : "translated",
                  "value" : "%d day"
              "other" : {
                "stringUnit" : {
                  "state" : "translated",
                  "value" : "%d days"
    "add_a_milestone": {...},
  "version" : "1.0"

See Also

Localize with String catalog

Announcing String catalog in WWDC23