
projectName*stringYou need to provide a project name within your organization. Project name is case-sensitive. If the project name is not found within your organization, request fails.
inScopeKeys[string]?Array of keys that should be exported out of eclypse. Optional.
* If this field is omitted from the request, all the keys within the provided project will be included in the response. Otherwise the response will be limited to those keys that were included in this list.
* Sending an empty list is considered an error and request fails.
languageCodes[string]?Array of language codes that should be exported out of eclypse. Optional.
* When this field is omitted from the request, all the translations within the provided project will be included in the response.
* If this array is provided, the response will restrict the translations to those requested languages. Sending an empty array will return only the metadata about the keys, no translations will be included in the response.

* indicates mandatory field